Introducing My Favorite Drivers

By now it’s probably well-known to those who’ve been following us, but one of the most important things Wingz offers users is the ability to book and re-book their favorite drivers. If you find a person who made your ride to or from the airport spectacularly special, you’ve been able to directly request them for future rides and have a familiar face waiting the next time you travel.

FavDriver3Still, there’s always a chance that the driver you want isn’t available when you need your ride, and our more frequent travelers often have multiple Wingz drivers with whom they’ve had great experiences.

With all of this is mind, we’ve retooled our app and website so the drivers you’ve rated 5-stars will be organized in a team of Favorite Drivers, which you can manage and reorder as you like. The new tool will make the act of finding and booking your preferred drivers a whole lot easier. 

When you schedule a ride from your Favorite Drivers team it’ll still function as a direct booking, as the ride request will immediately go to your #1 driver. If your chart-topper isn’t available for that upcoming trip, we’ll default to the second highest on your list—and so on—until we find the right person for your ride.

We’ll also make sure to take into account how time-sensitive your request is: we know that rides for the near-future need to be accepted more quickly than say, a ride for a week from now. The further in the future your pickup request, the more time we’ll give your favorite drivers to accept the ride; if the ride is a bit more urgent, our priority will be to get a trusted driver quickly.

If you don’t end up getting any of the drivers on your list, not to worry: your booking request will be placed at the top of the queue from our general pool of hand-picked drivers, so you’ll still be able to get a ride with a trusted Wingz driver.

We hope all this makes your Wingz experience even better!

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